Joint Transnational Call for Research Proposals (2016)

More Years /  Better Lives

Joint Transnational Call for Research Proposals (2016)

The More Years  / Better Lives call is sponsored  by 13 leading research funding agencies, including SSHRC and CIHR, from 11 European countries and Canada.  Funding will support transnational research teams seeking to improve the understanding of how different approaches to welfare secure quality of life, especially for older people. The objective is to develop comparative perspectives on “welfare models”, and the ways in which they are changing, drawing on the great diversity of approaches to welfare across Europe and Canada. A better understanding of these differences can help policymakers to identify potential ways of meeting needs, as their own models evolve in response to changing demographic pressures and circumstances. Because welfare models involve a complex interaction of public, private and voluntary activity, the research will draw on expertise from many academic disciplines, therefore proposals are expected to have an interdisciplinary nature.

Application deadline: April 11, 2016

Amount: Unclear from the information available at this time but the Canadian envelope appears to be $1.5 Million

Welfare, Wellbeing and Demographic Change: Understanding Welfare Models
Proposals may address one or more of these three research topics:

  1. Understanding wellbeing: how appropriate are current measures of wellbeing across the changing life-course?
  2. Intergenerational relationships: how can welfare models distribute resources, rights and responsibilities in fair and sustainable ways?
  3. Welfare models: How can welfare models secure the health and wellbeing for older people confronted to caring needs, subject to frailty and nearing the end of life?

General Conditions for Application

Only transnational projects will be funded. Each proposal must involve a minimum of three eligible applicants from at least three different countries participating in the call (Austria, Belgium, Canada, Finland, France, Israel, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Spain, The Netherlands) . The maximum number of eligible participants in a project consortium is seven.

The Submission Tool will be available the 22 of February 2016.

Interested applicants are encouraged to initiate scientific contacts with potential project consortium partners for applications.

The Canadian Contact for this is: Melody Sajedi, CIHR Program Delivery Advisor, 613-960-9475

More information at: More Years /  Better Lives

photo credit: 春日遊0094 via photopin (license)

About the Author

Kueneman, Karen
Staff, 2015 Fall
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