Grant Submission

All grant and contract applications must be reviewed (and signed where applicable) by Research Services (Support Services Building, room 5150) prior to submission to the funding agency.

Western’s Policy: Meaning of Signatures/Approvals for Research Funding

Principal Investigators / Applicants

1. Ensure that you are eligible to hold a research account at Western

2. 2-3 weeks prior to the posted sponsor deadline (optional, but recommended): Submit your draft proposal by email to the Faculty’s Research Officer, Chantal Lemire ( for a review of your application and/or so that a peer review can be arranged. (You can still work on the proposal and make further changes.)

3. Five (5) Business Days prior to the posted sponsor deadline (unless Research Services has set an alternative internal deadline) :
a) A ROLA proposal must be completed for your grant application. ROLA (Research On-Line Administration) is an internal electronic system, which is used by researchers to obtain Faculty approval of grant applications. The Faculty’s Research Officer, Chantal Lemire ( will complete data entry in the ROLA system for FIMS, Law and Music researchers.
Note: If the grant competition that you are applying to is not listed on the ROLA funding opportunities page it must be added. The Faculty’s Research Officer, Chantal Lemire ( will contact to ask that it be added.
b) Provide one email copy of your draft grant application (Word version or PDF Preview) to the Faculty Research Officer Chantal Lemire ( and to Research Services ( for review. (You can still work on the proposal and make further changes.)
c) If the funding opportunity requires an ink signature (most signatures are now done electronically), obtain the following approval signatures on the grant application in this order:
– Faculty Signature
– Research Services (Institutional Signature)

4. Deadline Date (or preferably 3-5 days prior): Submit the Final Application by the sponsor’s deadline.
For Tri-Council Grants (SSHRC, CIHR, NSERC) and some other sponsors, when you click submit in the online application system, the application does not go directly to the sponsor. The application goes to Research Services for a final compliance check and institutional approval. Research Services will officially submit the application on your behalf. You will be sent an email notification by Research Services once your application has been submitted.
If you require access to the application after you have submitted you must contact Research Services to have it returned to you for editing.

Co-Investigators / Co-Applicants

If you are a co-applicant/co-investigator on a research grant/contract application and the principal investigator/ applicant is based at an academic institution other than Western, you are required to:

1. Ensure that you are eligible to hold a research account at Western.

2. If the grant/contract application requires a signature from the co-applicant’s organization/Institution, this signature must be obtained from Research Services, not from the Faculty.

3. A ROLA proposal must be completed for your grant application. The ROLA (Research On-Line Administration) is an internal electronic system, which is used by researchers to obtain the Faculty’s approval of grant applications. The Faculty’s Research Officer, Chantal Lemire ( will complete data entry in the ROLA system for FIMS, Law and Music researchers.
Note: If the grant competition that you are applying to is not listed on the ROLA funding opportunities page it must be added. The Faculty’s Research Officer, Chantal Lemire (, will contact to ask that it be added.

4. Provide one copy of the grant application (or at least a minimum of the front page, signature page, budget, budget Justification, and the summary/abstract) to the Faculty Research Officer Chantal Lemire ( and to Research Services (Support Services Building, room 5150) at the time of application.

If you have questions contact:
Chantal Lemire (she/her)
Research Officer
(519) 661-2111 x85383

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