Mitacs – Information Session

Information Session on Mitacs Funding


Erin Azzopardi
Business Development Specialist
Mitacs Inc.

Thursday, September 14
12:00 pm
SSC 5220

Mitacs provides flexible research funding for collaborations with industry and not-for-profit partners. Mitacs also supports international research networks through student mobility and provides research and training opportunities for your students and postdocs.

This information session is open for faculty, postdoctoral fellows and graduate students. It will include an overview of Mitacs programs, such as Accelerate and Elevate, which provide opportunities for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to apply their specialized expertise to research challenges relevant to industry or a community partner.

This session will also touch on new international opportunities. It will provide examples of funded social science projects, and where to start if you are interested in developing collaborative partnerships.

Presented by the Faculty of Social Science.

 photo credit: Terriko “This part of town is just begging for a revitalization” via photopin (license)

About the Author

Kueneman, Karen
Staff, 2015 Fall
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