Networks of Centres of Excellence

The Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE) has announced the launch of a competition for NCE networks.  Both new and established networks are eligible to apply for funding in this competition.

Deadline (Letter of Intent): November 15, 2017.

Amount: There are no minimum or maximum budgets for any application in this competition. However, NCE networks are always expected to: have ambitious goals that require a networked approach; be multidisciplinary; and have high potential for impact. The budget request must be appropriate for the scope and scale of activities proposed and the projected deliverables. The total budget for this competition is currently set at $75M over 5 years ($15M/year).

Description: The program supports large-scale academically led research networks that harness the creativity and inventiveness of Canadian health, natural, and social scientists and engineers. Partners from industry, government and not-for-profit organizations contribute additional expertise and contribute cash and in kind support. Networks must be challenge-focused and solution-driven. They are expected to foster innovative research, training and the co-creation of new knowledge on critical issues of intellectual, social, economic and cultural significance. They must engage partners in the design and execution of all network activities, including knowledge creation, mobilization and exploitation.

There are no target areas in this NCE Competition.

The NCE Secretariat will host information webinars in late August and mid-September. In order to participate in the webinars, all potential applicants are asked to indicate their intention to submit an LOI by August 23, 2017 (by email to

For information on the competition, consult the competition documents and frequently asked questions

 photo credit: elviskennedy The Arch via photopin (license)

About the Author

Kueneman, Karen
Staff, 2015 Fall
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