SSHRC Explore Grants (Western Internal)

This funding opportunity is supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) through its Institutional Grants (SIG) program and is administered by Research Western.

Amount: up to $7,000 for 1 year

Faculty Research Office: January 24 (If you wish to have feedback on your application allow at least two weeks – contact Karen Kueneman)
ROLA: January 25 (data entry will be completed by Research Officer)
Research Western (Internal Grants):  Feb 1 (decision by March)

Description: SSHRC Explore Grants support social sciences and humanities researchers with modest research funding requirements at any stage of career. They allow for small-scale innovation and experimentation by providing funding to develop a research project or conduct pilot work and enable researchers to hire students at any level to participate in their research projects, thereby contributing to their professional development.

Eligibility: Applicants  must hold an eligible academic research appointment at Western.

More Information and link to Applications: Applications are to be  accompanied by a completed ROLA.

NOTE: Researchers can only submit one application for the Explore Grant competition and one application for the Exchange Grant competition. Eligible researchers may apply for both grants; however only one grant can be awarded per researcher (i.e., a researcher cannot be awarded both an Explore Grant and an Exchange Grant). If a researcher decides to apply for both grants, the review committee reserves the right to decide which grant (if any) will be awarded to that researcher.

 photo credit: J.Pineda66 Stoping the time in Barcelona ..EXPLORE via photopin (license)

About the Author

Kueneman, Karen
Staff, 2015 Fall
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