Human Research Ethics Announcement – ROMEO Access Discontinued September 1, 2019

The Office of Human Research Ethics (OHRE) launched a new online REB application platform, Western Research Ethics Manager (WREM) on September 7th, 2017. This switch to a new system required 3 different phases that would migrate information from the old system, ROMEO, to WREM. Two of the three migration phases have been completed and the OHRE is now working with the vendor to complete the third and final migration phase. This final phase will consist of transferring all post-approval information for active studies (e.g., events, submission dates, and approval dates).

Please note that study documents and other communications will not be transferred and researchers are responsible for maintaining their own records of this information.

Since the launch of WREM, the ROMEO system has remained available to the research community for accessing their REB approved study documents.

However, as of September 1, 2019 ROMEO will no longer be accessible to the research community for any purpose. If you still have not securely uploaded your approved study documents from ROMEO to your secured network, please do so by August 31st.

More information about the final migration, including any potential WREM shutdown in order to allow for the successful data migration between the two systems, will be communicated to you once a set date is identified.

If you have any questions, please contact the office at or 519-661-3036.

photo credit: Avel-Breizh La vie de chateau via photopin (license)

About the Author

Kueneman, Karen
Staff, 2015 Fall
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