Molson Prizes 2021

Given by the Canada Council for the Arts, two Molson Prizes of $50,000 each are awarded annually to encourage continuing contributions to Canada’s cultural and intellectual heritage. One is given in the arts, and one in the social sciences or humanities.

The Canada Council is committed to equity and inclusion, and encourages applications and nominations from culturally diverse, Deaf, disability and official language minority artists, groups and organizations.

Eligibility: Nominees must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents, but do not need to be residing in Canada. They must have made a substantial and distinguished contribution over a significant period, having clearly demonstrated their outstanding achievements through a body of work or by other tangible/quantifiable means. Assessment committees consistently choose laureates close to the top of outstanding careers.

Nominations: A complete nomination package will consist of:

  1. The nomination form
  2. A letter of nomination containing original signature (2 pages)
  3. A brief description (max. two pages) of the nature of the nominee’s distinguished contributions to their field, including why they should be considered for the prize 
  4. A one-page biography
  5. Nominee’s CV (10 pages)
  6. Three original signed letters of support
  7. A maximum of six support items (max 4 pages each) from sources other than the nominee; newspaper or magazine articles, press releases, etc.

Deadline: The final submission deadline is November 1, 2020

Contact: Please contact Julaine Hall ( in Research Services for more information about this award opportunity.

More details and nomination form:

photo credit: Stanley Zimny (Thank You for 51 Million views) Star Flower via photopin (license)

About the Author

Kueneman, Karen
Staff, 2015 Fall
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