SSHRC – Open Research Area (ORA) for the Social Sciences with International Partners (France, Germany, UK)

Image by Дарья Яковлева from Pixabay

Description: The ORA strengthens international cooperation in social sciences by funding high-quality scientific research projects.

Four funding organizations are participating in this eighth ORA competition: the Agence nationale de la recherche (ANR), France; the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Germany; the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), United Kingdom; and SSHRC, Canada.

Amount: Canadian applicants can request up to $200,000 per year for a maximum of $600,000 over 2-3 years. (Applicants from the other countries will also apply for varying amounts from their funding agency to support the overall project.)

Faculty Research Office: 5 days prior to agency deadline. (If you wish to have feedback on your application allow at least two weeks – contact Karen Kueneman)
Western Research: to be confirmed; 5 days prior to agency deadline
SSHRC:   November 14, 2023, 5:00 p.m. ET

Eligibility: Proposals may involve any of the disciplines, thematic areas or approaches eligible for SSHRC funding. However, disciplinary coverage varies according to which national agencies are involved. Projects must involve researchers from at least three of the four main participating countries (Canada, France, Germany and the UK) and integrated collaboration between partners from at least three countries. There is also a special opportunity for co-operation with projects in Japan. Western University applicants must hold an eligible academic research appointment at Western.

More information and How to Apply: The ORA 8 call follows a one-stage, one-application procedure consisting of a full proposal. SSHRC is the coordinating agency for this round of ORA (SSHRC Information webpage) and all proposals for this call will be submitted through the SSHRC Convergence Portal. All relevant documents for this funding opportunity are available on the DFG website.

Webinars: SSHRC will hold two webinars in English for potential applicants to this funding opportunity. You are strongly encouraged to participate in one of these. The webinars will provide information and guidance from the funders on the requirements of the call, as well as an opportunity to ask questions. The English webinars (identical in nature) will be held September 21, 2023, at 7:00 a.m. (eastern) and 2:00 p.m. (eastern). Webinar links will be posted on SSHRC’s Upcoming Webinars page.

Please contact Karen Kueneman if you intend to apply.

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