The federal granting agencies have announced the publication of new Tri-Agency Guidance on Research Security.
This new webpage provides up-to-date guidance for the research community, with regards to the implementation of research security measures by the federal granting agencies. You are encouraged to familiarize yourself with this guidance, as well as the linked policies, guidelines, and resources provided by the Government of Canada.
Included in this webpage is the Tri-Agency Guidance on the Policy on Sensitive Technology Research and Affiliations of Concern (STRAC Policy), which describes the granting agencies’ harmonized approach to implementing the STRAC Policy. Detailed information, including the attestation form, procedures, resources, and frequently asked questions are now available. This webpage also includes Tri-Agency Guidance on the National Security Guidelines for Research Partnerships, as well as a list of recommended research security resources. To learn more about the Canada Foundation for Innovation’s (CFI) implementation of research security measures, please consult its dedicated guidance page.
Further information on the granting agencies’ implementation of the STRAC Policy will be available through webinars. The webinars will be announced shortly and will be open to participation by researchers and the broader research community.
New Tri-Agency Guidance on Research Security