Knowledge Exchange, EDID and Indigenous Research Workshop

Image by NoName_13 from Pixabay

Western Research will be hosting a two-hour, in-person workshop on September 12, 2023 from 10:30-12:30 p.m. in the Weldon Community Room for faculty, institute research officers, grant officers, development officers and staff directly supporting grant applications. They will share resources covering essential concepts related to EDID, Indigenous research and knowledge exchange/translation/mobilization as they relate to research practice and design.

They will provide tips for reviewing applications and review sample proposals together, enabling the provision of first-line support for faculty members on these topics.

Moving forward, the team will prioritize one-on-one grant support for applications that require assistance. These applications can include re-submissions requiring tailored support based on reviewers’ comments, applications requiring advanced support in these areas (e.g., scholars versed in these areas), strong applications that could be more successful with additional support and priority funding competitions.

Contact Mariam Hayward with any questions or for details on the workshop.

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