Research Account Setup

Congratulations on your successful application for research funding! The below describes the steps/procedures that are followed to open your research account.

  • You must complete a ROLA application, if you did not do so when you applied for the funding. Please contact Chantal Lemire ( for assistance in setting up your ROLA.
  • You must provide Research Services with evidence of Ethics Approval for your study (if applicable). Email with your ethics review number as soon as you submit for Ethics approval.
  • Research Services assigns your grant/contract with a research account number.
  • Research Finance processes the account information in the financial system.
  • Financial Services then assigns your grant/contract with a speed code (4 characters). You will use this speed code to charge research related purchases against your account at Western. Speed codes are also accepted for purchases made with Western’s service providers.
  • Once the account has been activated, Research Finance sends a research grant/contract notification via email to the researcher and the Faculty’s Administrative Office.
  • The researcher is responsible for all expenditures charged to the account and must ensure that expenditures are compliant within the spending restrictions of the granting agency. For further information, review the granting agency’s guidelines or contact Research Finance.

Western Research’s Guide to Research Administrationthis tutorial  provides a self-directed guide through the research administration process at Western.

If you have questions contact:
Chantal Lemire (she/her)
Research Officer
(519) 661-2111 x85383

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