SSHRC Partnership Grants – Stage One

SSHRC has launched the February 2020 Partnership Grants-Stage One competition. Partnership Grants provide support for new and existing formal partnerships to advance research, research training and/or knowledge mobilization through mutual co-operation and sharing of intellectual…

Gerda Henkel Prize

The Gerda Henkel Prize was set up in 2006 and is awarded every two years to excellent and internationally acclaimed researchers who have demonstrated outstanding scholarly achievement in the disciplines and funding areas supported by…

Faculty Interdisciplinary Networking Event

Connect with the Innovation Ambassadors and fellow faculty Join Western Entrepreneurship for an afternoon of networking, meet Western’s Innovation Ambassadors and interact with faculty you would not normally have the chance to meet. Attendees will…

Faculty Writing Support Program – Autumn Events

Workshop: Making Space for Research During the Academic Year Friday Oct 18th12:00-1:30 PMUC 1105  In this workshop for Western faculty members and post-docs, you will identify your personal and professional goals for the academic year, create…

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