CIHR Foundation Grant

The CIHR Foundation Grant program is designed to contribute to a sustainable foundation of established health research leaders, by providing long-term support for the pursuit of innovative and high-impact research programs. Institutional DEADLINES – 2018…

CIHR Project Grant

The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)  Project Grant: Fall 2018  competition is open for applications. CIHR’s Project Grant program is designed to capture ideas with the greatest potential to advance health-related knowledge, health research,…

SSHRC Insight Grants 2018

The application form for SSHRC Insight Grants is now available. Amount: Stream A: $7,000 to $100,000 (over 2-5 years) Stream B: $100,001 to $400,000 (over 2-5 years) Deadline Dates: 14 September – first draft –…

Knowledge Translation (KT) Casebook Available from SickKids

SickKids has launched a new casebook which describes 10 KT programs. Included are descriptions of programs, opportunities, barriers, and practical tools. FREE digital copies available at:  photo credit: kin.lane Circuit board background vector via photopin…

Updates from SSHRC

SSHRC invites you to consult their website for new information regarding the Insight, and Connection programs for the 2018-2019 competitions. The following webpages have been updated: Upcoming Deadlines; Policies, Regulations and Guidelines; Indigenous Research page,…

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