Killam Research Fellowships

Canada Council for the Arts – Killam Research Fellowships – 2017 Description: These awards, which are administered by the Canada Council, provide support to scholars of exceptional ability who are engaged in research projects of…

Interdisciplinary Science Award

The James Philip Fallona & Mary Catherine Fallona Interdisciplinary Science Award recognizes current innovative interdisciplinary research or scholarly work that positively impacts Canada and our global community. Deadline: April 1, 2016 Eligibility: Candidates who are…

SSHRC Connection Grants

SSHRC’s Connection Grants support events and outreach activities geared toward short-term, targeted knowledge mobilization initiatives. These events and outreach activities represent opportunities to exchange knowledge and to engage on research issues of value to those…

Petro-Canada Young Innovator Award

The Petro-Canada Young Innovator Award program recognizes, promotes and supports the work of new faculty researchers whose work is particularly innovative, impacts positively on the learning environment in the department in which they study, and…

Problems with ROLA for Mac Users

If you are a Mac user, please be aware that you may encounter issues with ROLA.  In order to avoid this please do not use Safari to complete your ROLA.  Google Chrome is recommended as…

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