
Vice-President (Research): Consultation Session Invitation

An international search for Western University’s next Vice-President (Research) is underway, and the Selection Committee would value hearing from you. You are invited to attend a Campus Community Consultation Session hosted by the Vice-President (Research)…

SSHRC Insight Development Grant 2020

The 2020 Insight Development Grants (IDG) funding application is now available. Description: Insight Development Grants support research in its initial stages. The grants enable the development of new research questions, as well as experimentation with…

The Brian King Fabulous Researcher Fund

The ArQuives (formerly the Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives) has grown to become the largest independent LGBTQ2+ archives in the world. By collecting and caring for important historical records, personal papers, unpublished documents, publications, audiovisual…

Human Research Ethics Updates

Reminder of new forms: new Research Ethics Board (REB) application forms (currently in .PDF format) will be available in WREM, effective January 2020. These include: Multi-jurisdictional Research application form -Used to help researchers determine if…

SSHRC Partnership Grants – Stage One

SSHRC has launched the February 2020 Partnership Grants-Stage One competition. Partnership Grants provide support for new and existing formal partnerships to advance research, research training and/or knowledge mobilization through mutual co-operation and sharing of intellectual…

Gerda Henkel Prize

The Gerda Henkel Prize was set up in 2006 and is awarded every two years to excellent and internationally acclaimed researchers who have demonstrated outstanding scholarly achievement in the disciplines and funding areas supported by…

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