
Royal Society of Canada – Award Nominations

The Royal Society of Canada (RSC) offers a variety of prestigious medals and awards recognizing outstanding achievements of Canadian researchers. In 2016, the following awards will be offered for researchers in the social sciences and…

Premier’s Awards for Excellence in the Arts

The Premier’s Awards are open to artists and arts organizations engaged in any professional arts practice in Ontario whose artistic work or service spans at least 10 years. The awards are administered by the Ontario…

Knowledge Mobilization Talk

MOBILIZING UNIVERSITY RESEARCH Michael Johnny, Manager, Knowledge Mobilization and David Phipps  Executive Director Research and Innovation Services York University   Thursday, November 5, 2015 | 11-Noon Dental Sciences Building, Room 2016 | Western University Please…

Western’s Mentoring Micro Grant

Western’s Teaching Support Centre offers the  Western Mentoring Micro Grant. DESCRIPTION:  Micro Grants are designed to provide opportunities for tenure-stream members of faculty to choose mentoring opportunities that make good sense for their own professional…

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