- Research funding of interest to faculty researchers is posted on this research blog as are upcoming deadlines.
- Western’s Research Services maintains information on current Funding Opportunities through ROLA (Research OnLine Approvals)
- Western’s Research Services has an Awards & Distinctions Opportunities webpage. A non-comprehensive list of award opportunities, along with program details, is available here. If planning to apply or nominate, please ensure that your Associate Dean (Research) and Department Chair are made aware of your intentions.
- Western has Internal Funding Opportunities and also provides links to External Funding Agencies.
- MERX is a source for Canadian and provincial government tenders and contracts.
- Western researchers can also search Pivot, a comprehensive database of grant funding opportunities. (Faculty of Social Science – Guide to using Pivot). Visit Pivot’s You Tube channel to learn how to create an account, set up alerts, search for funding and scholars and more.
- Pivot’s Knowledge Centre
- Overview of Pivot
- Getting Started
- Searching for Funding Opportunities
- Viewing and managing funding opportunities – tracking opportunities, saving searches…
- Tips for searching for Funding and Profiles
- Pivot’s Knowledge Centre
- Grant Connect is also available through Western Libraries (under databases – Note: only available on campus). It is a Canadian database of over 10,000 Canadian foundations, 550 corporate giving programs, more than 175 government grantors, 120 American foundations that make grants to Canadian organizations, as well as more than 100 other kinds of grant opportunities
If you have questions contact:
Chantal Lemire
Research Officer
e: clemire2@uwo.ca
p: (519) 661-2111 x 85383