GRAMMY Museum Grants

1. Scientific Research Projects $20,000 Maximum Award  The GRAMMY Museum Grant Program awards grants to organizations and individuals to support research on the impact of music on the human condition. Examples might include the study…

SSHRC Insight Grants 2018

The application form for SSHRC Insight Grants is now available. Amount: Stream A: $7,000 to $100,000 (over 2-5 years) Stream B: $100,001 to $400,000 (over 2-5 years) Deadline Dates: 14 September – first draft –…

Knowledge Translation (KT) Casebook Available from SickKids

SickKids has launched a new casebook which describes 10 KT programs. Included are descriptions of programs, opportunities, barriers, and practical tools. FREE digital copies available at:  photo credit: kin.lane Circuit board background vector via photopin…

Updates from SSHRC

SSHRC invites you to consult their website for new information regarding the Insight, and Connection programs for the 2018-2019 competitions. The following webpages have been updated: Upcoming Deadlines; Policies, Regulations and Guidelines; Indigenous Research page,…

NSERC Discovery Grants

If your research falls in the area of science or engineering you may be eligible to apply for funding from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC). NSERC’s Discovery Grants Program assists in promoting…

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