The researcher is responsible for all expenditures charged to research accounts and must ensure that expenditures are compliant within the spending restrictions of the granting agency. For further information, review the granting agency’s guidelines or contact Research Finance.
- Research Finance: Post-Award Project Administration This guide, developed by Research Finance, focuses on the financial management of research funds after they have been awarded by the funding agency. The guide provides information about the financial responsibilities of holding research funds, as well as the financial tools available to monitor the funds, and common transactions associated with spending / receiving revenue.
- Research Finance at Western – Online reference tool – This web page provides information on the financial management of research funds including these topics:
- Accountabilities: The research account holder assumes responsibility for using the funds for the purpose for which they were awarded and for complying with the guidelines and policies of the sponsor and the University.
- Delegation of Signing Authority: Delegation of Signing Authority is the sharing of authority with others for approving project expenditures.
- Project Activation: Once awarded and all conditions are met (including Ethics), RD&S will provide authorization for Research Finance to activate the project in Western Financials (PeopleSoft). The Account Holder and his/her Department/Faculty Administrator will receive an email notification confirming the project number and speedcode, project dates, budget period(s) and budget amount(s).
- Receiving and Sending Funds: From the funder; from another institution to Western or from Western to another institution
- Spending Project Funds: Purchasing, hiring, paying invoices, traveling…
- Over-expended Policy: Over-expenditures on contract and grant funded research projects are not permitted unless the funding agreement allows over-expenditures.
- Financial Statements: The researcher must check his/her research statements on a monthly basis to ensure that all activity on the account is correct. This document provides the steps to retrieve research statements from PeopleSoft. When you review your account details, the first page is a summary and the following pages provide a breakdown of the activity in the grant. There is also a video, Print & Read a Research Project Monthly Financial Statement.
- Carry Forward of Unspent Balances: Some sponsors allow for the carry forward of unspent funds into the following fiscal year and some do not.
- Project End Date – Extend or Close: All research projects have specified end dates for using the funds. These dates are clearly stated in award notices, research agreements and contracts, and on monthly financial statements in Western Financials (PeopleSoft). Some sponsors allow for project extensions and others do not.
- Guidance on Spending Tri-Council (SSHRC, CIHR, NSERC) Funds (Western’s Research Finance)
- Tri-Agency (SSHRC/NSERC/CIHR) Guide on Financial Administration (TAGFA) -provides information on the eligibility of expenses with a specific section pertaining to the Use of Grant Funds.
- Tri-Council Reference Guide on the Use of Grant Funds -Western Research Finance’s document provides a quick reference on eligibility of different expense types.
- Tri-council funds cannot be used to pay for general office supplies and accessories. If required for the research project the PI must explain, in writing, how the supplies are essential to his/her research activities. For more information please see this link.
- Western Human Resources – Researcher Toolbox: This website is designed to help researchers navigate Human Resources processes related to hiring/appointing research staff and budgeting for grant applications.
- Also see the OWL Site for additional resources for FIMS, Law and Music Researchers. Login required for restricted site.
If you have questions contact:
Chantal Lemire (she/her)
Research Officer
519-661-2111 x85383