CIHR – Integrating Sex- and Gender-Based Analysis

The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) announce the official launch of the Institute of Gender and Health’s new online competency modules. These modules will help researchers and reviewers discover best practices for integrating sex- and gender-based analysis across health research disciplines. Sex and gender influence our risk of developing certain diseases, how well we respond to medical treatments and how often we seek health care. Integrating sex and gender into health research is essential for creating research that is rigorous and applicable to everyone.


Each interactive module takes less than an hour to complete, and can be done in 15-minute segments over time. First, test your knowledge on the pre-test to see how well you do. Then take the course to evaluate if you can appropriately appraise sex and gender in real protocols and publications. When you are finished, download the CIHR certificate for your records.

 photo credit: Carlsbad Strawberry Co. via photopin (license)

About the Author

Kueneman, Karen
Staff, 2015 Fall
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