CIHR’s Peer-Review Process

CIHR and the research community agree on concrete solutions to strengthen peer-review process

CIHR and members of Canada’s health research community arrived at a consensus on concrete solutions that CIHR will implement over the coming months to further strengthen the peer review process. At the July 13 meeting, the group agreed to the immediate implementation of the following:

* Face-to-face discussions will be restored and virtual discussions will no longer be needed;

* Teams of Virtual Chairs and Scientific Officers will be organized to oversee a group of applications throughout the process;

* A complementary iterative process will be implemented for Indigenous-focused research;

* A working group will be created to further refine the recommendations moving forward.

Please note that the changes will be implemented before the launch of the next Project and Foundation competitions. CIHR will share additional details about these funding opportunities—including target dates—as soon as they are available.

 photo credit: Water Lilies via photopin (license)

About the Author

Kueneman, Karen
Staff, 2015 Fall
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