The Tri-Agencies (SSHRC, NSERC, CIHR) recently released an update to their Financial Administration Guide (TAFAG), effective October 1, 2016.
The most pertinent items:
- Home internet costs are no longer eligible. Those charging these costs directly through a PCard should update this immediately.
- Post Doctoral Fellows receiving a stipend or salary from a researcher’s grant are eligible to apply for their own grants – SSHRC only – certain programs apply.
- Travel and subsistence costs for collaborators are eligible if they are related to planning, exchange of information or dissemination with the grantee, unless not permitted in certain programs.
- Travel claims should include the purpose of the trip including how it relates to the funded research. Please include this information on the travel claims.
- Accommodation and subsistence costs are not eligible for PIs who are on sabbatical or research leaves. This does not apply to short trips for conferences while on leave.
- Computers, tablets, modems, emerging technology, other hardware and/or specialized software must have adequate justification stating the need in relation to the funded research. This information should be included in the comments tab when requisitioning through Mustang Market.
- Now applicable for all 3 agencies (NSERC, SSHRC and CIHR) – Grantees are no longer eligible to hold and receive funding if a sabbatical or research leave is more than 12 months long.
If you need further clarification please contact your financial officer at Research Finance.
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