New Mitacs Accelerate Fellowship

Mitacs has launched a new opportunity for graduate students. The Mitacs Accelerate Fellowship provides long-term funding for a significant part of graduate degree programs:

  • Master’s students can complete an 18-month project (minimum $30,000 stipend)
  • PhD students can complete a three-year project (minimum $72,000 stipend)

The Fellowship also offers national professional development training that helps interns gain in-demand career skills and ensure the success of their projects.

Fellowships can form new Accelerate projects or be added to existing ones, and applications are accepted any time.

The Mitacs Accelerate program requires matching funding from a partner outside of the university for research of benefit to the partner.

For more information or to start an application, contact Western’s Mitacs representative, Erin Azzopardi  | 519.280.5655 |

 photo credit: 216-365 via photopin (license)

About the Author

Kueneman, Karen
Staff, 2015 Fall
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