Western International maintains a Safety Abroad website for the Western community and a comprehensive Travel Registry system for students traveling internationally.
Enhanced safety for students, faculty and staff when traveling abroad is a priority for Western. The Safety Abroad website contains detailed steps and resources for travelers, including information on International SOS – a worldwide service to help students, faculty and staff prepare for travel and assist in emergency situations. The website also provides instruction for students on how to enter details in the Travel Registry.
Any Western student traveling on a university-sanctioned international experience, including graduate students and undergraduate students, part-time and full-time, is required to enter travel details in the registry at least three weeks before traveling.
The Travel Registry helps support students as they prepare to travel outside of Canada, and allows Western to respond more effectively should an emergency arise.
University-sanctioned activities include: exchange, study abroad, internships, community-engaged learning opportunities, faculty-led programs, conferences, field research, and more. Essentially, any international travel outside of Canada that has been approved authorized, and/or supported by a Western University unit, department, staff, and/or faculty member. A full list of applicable programs and experiences
Please note it is not a requirement for Faculty and Staff to use the Travel Registry when planning international travel. However, it is recommended that everyone become familiar with Western’s Safety Abroad Policy and the resources available on the Safety Abroad website. For Faculty and Staff members who lead student trips abroad, there is a requirement to enter details into part of the Registry. Detailed steps for this can be found on the Safety Abroad website.
For questions about Safety Abroad and the Travel Registry, please contact travelregistry@uwo.ca
photo credit: Jan R. Ubels Take-off at 18:09PM via photopin (license)