Province of Ontario Coronavirus Research Funding

The Province of Ontario’s Ministry of Colleges and Universities has allocated approximately $20 million for research studies related to COVID-19.

These opportunities are for:

  • Projects with rapid and valuable outcomes that tackle immediate problems. They are expected to have meaningful data generated in 6-7 months.
  • Longer-term projects that could help deal with a second wave of the virus, should it occur, or planning for subsequent pandemics.

While the province has indicated it will make a formal call for proposals, you are encouraged to consider preparing a letter of intent and rough budget if you are interested in applying. Research Western is currently developing internal review processes for this initiative and ask that you submit LOIs to your Associate Dean (Research) for the time being.

The team responsible for administering the Ontario Research Fund will manage this opportunity and will send application forms to principal investigators and their institutions once applications are triaged. Institutional sign-off will be required.

It is anticipated that project descriptions will be three pages in length, including appendices for budgets, etc. There is no requirement for matching funds, although partnered funding can be mentioned and worked into the budget.

Keep proposed budgets realistic given limited funds and the short timeline for this initiative.

There is no formal submission deadline, although it is expected applications will be reviewed by a single panel over the next 2-3 weeks. As a result, full proposals will need to be submitted within the next 10 days.

Successful applicants should hear results within two weeks of the panel’s review, and fund will flow quickly.

photo credit: Seattle Department of Transportation SDOT via photopin (license)

About the Author

Kueneman, Karen
Staff, 2015 Fall
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