NSERC Discovery Grants 2020

Description: The Discovery Grants Program supports ongoing programs of research in the areas of Natural Sciences and Engineering with long-term goals rather than a single short-term project or collection of projects. Discovery Grants are considered “grants in aid” of research, as they provide long term operating funds and can facilitate access to funding from other programs, but are not meant to support the full costs of a research program.

Notice of Intent (Mandatory): Tuesday, Aug. 4, 2020 by/before 8:00PM
Faculty Research Office: one week prior to agency deadline (for internal review of draft application allow 2-3 weeks)
Western Research: Friday, Oct. 23, 2020 by/before 2:00PM 1) provide a copy of the complete Application+CCV (PDF exports from the Research Portal) for administrative review & institutional approval to researchoffice@uwo.ca – complete drafts are acceptable; 2) ROLA Proposal
NSERC: Monday, Nov. 2, 2020 by/before 2:00PM *Note: When you submit your Application in the Research Portal, it will be routed to Research Services for review and final submission to NSERC.

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photo credit: Citizen 4474 Waterfalls via photopin (license)

About the Author

Kueneman, Karen
Staff, 2015 Fall
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