Stay at Home Orders and Research

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Photo by Вахтбович Максим on

Following the Premier’s announcement of Stay at Home Orders, Western Research confirms that the research guidelines put in place on Dec 22 remain sufficient to cover the changes outlined.  There are a few issues that demand review:  

  1. The new variant of the Coronavirus is more contagious. Therefore, our need for diligence regarding safety is paramount.   
  2. We must continue to complete the health questionnaire, adhere to the PPE guidelines of both physical distancing and masking when on campus, and coming onto campus only when you need to be here. 
  3. You need a good reason to be on campus
  4. If on campus you must adhere to the guidelines and be able to answer questions from public health authorities. For e.g. be able to confirm that the health questionnaire was filled out prior to entry to campus, know where you found it, know where you completed it.  
  5. Mask can be removed in a building if in a single office with the door closed.  
  6. Employees and graduate students continue to have access to buildings. HOWEVER, leaders need to know who is in the labs and when. Therefore, additional coordination may be needed regarding building/research space entry if the number of people exceeds the capacity.  

Western Research COVID-19 Updates, Links to FAQs, COVID-19 Research Recovery Plan

About the Author

Kueneman, Karen
Staff, 2015 Fall
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