Canada Council for the Arts – Additional Funding for the Arts

musical notes on piano keys
Photo by Elina Sazonova on

As announced in the last federal government economic statement, the Canada Council for the Arts is investing $116.5 million in Supporting Arts and Live Events Workers in Response to COVID-19. The one-time additional funding will be invested in its Explore and Create program and the Digital Now initiative.

The Research and Creation and Concept to Realization components of the Explore and Create program provide increased support for a wide range of research, creation, conception, and production activities. The investment will benefit artists, arts groups, and arts organizations. The guidelines and eligibility remain unchanged.
Deadlines: April 8; October 6

Digital Now provides groups, collectives, and arts organizations with grants to develop, create, adapt, produce, promote, disseminate, and optimize their digital artistic content or hybrid activities that combine digital and in-person dissemination.
Deadlines: March 31; April 28

NOTE: In general, you will be unable to apply in your capacity at Western University. You will apply as an individual. Check with CCA’s Program Officer for the program you are interested in prior to completing your application to ensure you are eligible. Canada Council grants are considered taxable income –  more about income taxes and grants from CCA

About the Author

Kueneman, Karen
Staff, 2015 Fall
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