SSHRC Knowledge Synthesis Grants – The Emerging Asocial Society

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Knowledge Synthesis Grants support researchers in producing knowledge synthesis reports and evidence briefs that support the use of evidence in decision-making and the application of best practices; and assist in developing future research agendas.

Amount: $30,000 over one year

Faculty Research Office: one week prior to agency deadline (for internal review of draft application allow 2-3 weeks)
Western Research: 1 week prior to agency deadline
SSHRC: December 17, 2021 (results available March 2022)

Description: This call for proposals focuses on the state of knowledge from research on issues related to the growing sense of disconnection, isolation and loneliness in Canadian society. The resulting syntheses will identify roles that the academic, public, private and not-for-profit sectors may play in promoting more connected and resilient communities, and may inform the development of effective tools, robust policies and sustainable practices required to support the transition to a more equitable, healthy and prosperous future.

NOTE: Knowledge Synthesis Grants are not intended to support original research. Rather, they are intended to support the synthesis of existing research knowledge and the identification of knowledge gaps.

More information and applications… A ROLA proposal must be completed with the application.

Please contact Karen Kueneman if you plan to apply.

About the Author

Kueneman, Karen
Staff, 2015 Fall
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