Trudeau Research Fellowships

Trudeau Fellowships are among Canada’s most prestigious awards. They are valued at $225,000 (over three years), and the title, “Trudeau Fellow” is awarded for life. Fellows join a growing community of researchers and creators in an impressive array of fields. They take regular part in events organized by the Trudeau Foundation to disseminate their work and share ideas with national and international experts. Fellowships support outstanding individuals who have the drive and ability to take on some of the most critical issues of modern society, setting themselves apart through their research achievements, creativity, and social commitment to one or more of the Foundation’s four themes:

  • Human Rights And Dignity
  • Responsible Citizenship
  • Canada in the World
  • People and their natural environment

Nomination Process:
Candidates must be nominated by a Canadian university or a Foundation Fellow. A complete nomination will consist of:

  • Completed nomination form (Available online later in August)
  • Two-page background of the candidate
  • Nomination letter outlining candidate’s academic achievements and record of public engagement (no page limit; generally three to five pages long). Should reference:
    • Nominee’s intellectual gifts, especially for creative thinking at the highest international standards of their discipline
    • Nominee’s ability to communicate with other gifted thinkers and the general public
    • How a fellowship would enable the nominee to advance their work
    • Nominee’s commitment to work on issues related to the Foundation’s four themes
  • A detailed Trudeau project proposal (five to ten pages; references not required)
  • CV
  • Up to three publications, articles, or book chapters written by the candidate (no books)
  • Other material relevant to the nomination, such as articles about the candidate

Important Dates:
August, 2016                  Online portal opens
December 2, 2016           Complete nominations must be uploaded to the Trudeau Foundation
May, 2017                        Nominees will be notified
September, 2017            Official public announcement

Potential nominators and nominees are encouraged to consult with Julaine Hall at Research Development & Services ( regarding this opportunity.


photo credit: Dickey House 8 via photopin (license)

About the Author

Kueneman, Karen
Staff, 2015 Fall
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