Mandatory Training for Human Research at Western

Following campus-wide consultations, Western Research will be implementing mandatory human research ethics training for all study team members, including faculty, librarians, archivists, students, postdoctoral scholars and staff, beginning on the following dates: All students (including…

Western’s Research Recovery Plan

May 28, 2020 Western Research has distributed the COVID-19 Research Recovery Plan. The emphasis remains on the safety of the community while remaining flexible and prepared to return to an essential services model should situations…

Western Research Catalyst Grant – Phase 2

Applications are now being accepted for the Western Research Catalyst Grant (Phase 2) “Surviving Pandemics: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Resilience and Recovery” funding opportunity.  Amount: maximum $50,000 over one year Deadlines:Faculty Research Office: 5 days prior to Research Western deadline. (If you wish…

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