New Mitacs Accelerate Fellowship

Mitacs has launched a new opportunity for graduate students. The Mitacs Accelerate Fellowship provides long-term funding for a significant part of graduate degree programs: Master’s students can complete an 18-month project (minimum $30,000 stipend) PhD…

Mitacs Elevate

Mitacs Elevate is now accepting applications for two-year postdoctoral funding. Mitacs Elevate helps organizations build their business with support from top-ranked, highly trained research talent. Participating fellows work closely with partner organizations to understand their…

SSHRC Insight Development Grant

The 2018 Insight Development Grants (IDG) funding application is now available. Description: Insight Development Grants support research in its initial stages. The grants enable the development of new research questions, as well as experimentation with…

SSHRC and Health Researchers – Workshop

Following recent changes to the policies of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) that now allow life sciences researchers to participate in SSHRC funding programs, Schulich Research in partnership with Research Western will…

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