Petro-Canada Young Innovator Award

The Petro-Canada Young Innovator Award program recognizes, promotes and supports the work of new faculty researchers whose work is particularly innovative, impacts positively on the learning environment in the department in which they study, and…

Jules Léger Prize for New Chamber Music

The Jules Léger Prize for New Chamber Music is a competition for Canadian composers that is designed to encourage the creation of new chamber music and to foster its performance by Canadian chamber groups. The…

Problems with ROLA for Mac Users

If you are a Mac user, please be aware that you may encounter issues with ROLA.  In order to avoid this please do not use Safari to complete your ROLA.  Google Chrome is recommended as…

Research Office Closed on February 15

The Research Development & Services (RD&S) office will be closed on Monday, February 15th. In anticipation of the upcoming Family Day holiday research grant applicants are reminded that you will not be able to obtain…

Ontario Arts Council Grants

The Ontario Arts Council supports artists working in a variety of styles and genres of music. Faculty of Music professors may be eligible to apply for funding. Eligibility:  In general, to apply you must be:…

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