blue body of water with orange thunder

Research Recovery Update: Phase 3

Phase 3 of recovery from the COVID-19 lockdown for Western University researchers will begin August 4.  Phase 3 means that researchers can resume human participant research in an ordered and safe fashion.   The next critical…

woman writing on a notebook beside teacup and tablet computer

Daily Writing Digital Drop-In, July 27-31

The Faculty Writing Support Program is organizing a Daily Writing Digital Drop-In! This is a great way to commit yourself to setting aside time for writing every day for a week, while providing community support…

auditorium benches chairs class

Making the Most of a Virtual Conference

According to Thomas J Tobin,“If you’ve never ‘attended’ a virtual conference before (and sometimes, even if you have), it can be confusing to figure out which set of sessions will be a meaningful and useful…

Canada Council for the Arts

The Canada Council for the Arts (CCA) is Canada’s public arts funder, with a mandate to foster and promote the study and enjoyment of, and the production of works in, the arts. Canada Council grants…

Ontario Arts Council

Description: The Ontario Arts Council (OAC) supports artists and organizations working in a variety of styles and genres of music. Through its programs and services, the OAC welcomes all forms of artistic expression and practice….

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