CIHR Planning Grants

The CIHR Institute of Population and Public Health (IPPH) will provide funding to support “Social Science for Population Health” planning grants for activities that aid the preparation of grant proposals for CIHR’s Foundation and Project…

SSHRC Impact Awards

The SSHRC Impact Awards celebrate Canada’s best leaders, thinkers and researchers in the social sciences and humanities. Deadlines: Research Western: March 1, 2017 (for cover letter) SSHRC: April 5, 2017 Descriptions and Amounts: Gold Medal…

Western Innovation Fund

The Western Innovation Fund (WIF) awards are intended to fund projects that will advance innovative research results towards application and commercialization and to provide an incentive to validate and develop commercial opportunities for the investigator’s…

Order of Ontario

The Order of Ontario is the province’s highest official honour. It recognizes any current or former long-time resident of Ontario who has demonstrated a high level of individual excellence and achievement, in any field, benefiting…

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