American Library Association – Carnegie-Whitney Grant

416 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, PA

Purpose: The Carnegie-Whitney Grant provides grants for the preparation of popular or scholarly reading lists, webliographies, indexes and other guides to library resources that will be useful to users of all types of libraries in the United States.

Amount:  up to $5,000

Deadline: November 1, 2019

Eligibility: Grants are awarded to individuals; local, regional or state libraries, associations or organizations, including units, affiliates and committees of the American Library Association, or programs of information and library studies/sAcience.  International applicants welcome.

Scope: The grants are intended to cover preparation costs appropriate to the development of a useful product, including the cost of research. The grants do not cover the costs of final printing or online distribution of the product.

More information and applications…

photo credit: @CarShowShooter 416 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, PA via photopin (license)

About the Author

Kueneman, Karen
Staff, 2015 Fall
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