
The Law Foundation of Ontario – Guthrie Award

Nominations are now being accepted for The Law Foundation of Ontario‘s Guthrie Award. The Foundation created the Guthrie Award in 1996 to honour Hugh Donald Guthrie, Q.C., a long-time member and Chair of the Foundation’s…

Balzan Prizes

The International E. Balzan Prize Foundation aims to promote culture, science, and the most meritorious initiatives in the cause of humanity, peace, and fraternity among peoples throughout the world. This aim is attained through the…

Western Humanitarian Award

The Western Humanitarian Award recognizes faculty, staff, and students at Western, who are engaged in a range of efforts directed towards improving the quality of life for individuals and communities around the world.  Preference will…

SSHRC Impact Awards

The SSHRC Impact Awards celebrate Canada’s best leaders, thinkers and researchers in the social sciences and humanities. Deadlines: Research Western: March 1, 2017 (for cover letter) SSHRC: April 5, 2017 Descriptions and Amounts: Gold Medal…

Order of Ontario

The Order of Ontario is the province’s highest official honour. It recognizes any current or former long-time resident of Ontario who has demonstrated a high level of individual excellence and achievement, in any field, benefiting…

Allard Prize for International Integrity

The Allard Prize for International Integrity is awarded to an individual, movement or organization that has demonstrated exceptional courage and leadership in combating corruption, especially through promoting transparency, accountability and the Rule of Law. Deadline:…

David W. Mundell Medal

The David W. Mundell Medal is awarded annually by the Ministry of the Attorney General to an Ontario writer on legal and professional matters who has, by publication in the preceding year or over a…

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