Developing Research on Teaching Surveys

The Teaching Support Centre presents Developing Research on Teaching Surveys: A Session for Beginners Thursday, November 3, 2016 1:30 – 3:30 pm Register at: Do you have the right tools for your Research on…

Premier’s Awards for Excellence in the Arts

The Premier’s Awards for Excellence in the Arts recognize the outstanding achievements of artists and arts organizations and their contributions to arts and culture in Ontario over a significant period of time. The Artist Award…

France Canada Research Fund 2017

France Canada Research Fund (FCRF) – New Scientific Collaboration Support Program 2017 FCRF deadline for application submission:  Thursday, November 10th, 2016. Visit the France in Canada/French Embassy website for the guidelines and application form. Western…

Canada 150 – Western Funding

Although this is not targeted towards research, it may be of interest. Canada 150 Faculty/Staff Fund: Call for Proposals Current Western faculty and staff members (individuals or groups) are invited to apply for awards valued…

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