Western Research – COVID-19 Update

January 4/2022 Western Research’s goal remains to support research, scholarship and creative activity, while minimizing the risk of viral transfer on Western’s campus and in the community. To these ends, they have provided the following…

SSHRC Impact Awards and Gold Medal 2022

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Impact Awards are designed to build on and sustain Canada’s research-based knowledge culture in the social sciences and humanities. They recognize outstanding scholars and celebrate their achievements in…

Royal Society of Canada Medals & Awards – 2022

The Royal Society of Canada offers a variety of prestigious medals and awards each year recognizing outstanding achievements of Canadian scholars.In 2022, the following medals and awards are open for competition: In the humanities and…

Western Research – Extensions of Internal Grants

In collaboration with Research Finance, Western Research will be continuing their practice of providing extensions for certain internal grants in light of COVID-19-related delays to research. To improve efficiencies and reduce workload, automatic 1-year extensions…

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