Carnegie-Whitney Grant (ALA)

Purpose: The Carnegie-Whitney Grant provides grants for the preparation of popular or scholarly reading lists, webliographies, indexes and other guides to library resources that will be useful to users of all types of libraries in…

France Canada Research Fund 2018

France Canada Research Fund (FCRF) – New Scientific Collaboration Support Program 2018 Deadlines: Western RD&S internal deadline: Friday, November 3rd, 2017 at 5PM ET for both the ROLA proposal submission and (draft) applications. Send the…

Grant Writing Tips

“10 do’s and don’ts for grant applicants Before you even print off the application forms to request funding for your research project, take some time to review these tips” from Barry Ries (Source – University…

Spencer Foundation – Small Grants

The Spencer Foundation supports high-quality, innovative research with the potential to improve education. Small grant proposals covering any topic that falls within Spencer’s mission can be submitted through the general small grants program. Amount: up…

Trudeau Research Fellowships

Trudeau Fellowships are among Canada’s most prestigious awards. They are valued at $225,000 (over three years), and the title, “Trudeau Fellow” is awarded for life. Fellowships support outstanding individuals who have the drive and ability…

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