Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships 2018-19

2018/2019  Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships As the most prestigious postdoctoral fellowship award in Canada, the Banting Fellowship provides the opportunity for faculty members to recruit, or retain, top talent as part of The University of Western…

Faculty Interdisciplinary Networking Event

Join for an afternoon of networking, meet Western’s Innovation Ambassadors and interact with faculty you would not normally have the chance to meet. Attendees will be mixed into random groups for conversation. Discuss research, projects…

Western Humanitarian Award

This award recognizes faculty, staff, and students at Western, who are engaged in a range of efforts directed towards improving the quality of life for individuals and communities around the world.  Preference will be given…

Mitacs – Accelerate Fellowships

The Mitacs Accelerate Fellowship provides long-term funding for a significant part of graduate degree programs: Master’s students can complete an 18-month project (minimum $30,000 stipend) PhD students can complete a three-year project (minimum $72,000 stipend)…

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